Published december 15, 2018
The nurse Carla Cristina da Cruz Almeida Lima defended the master dissertation Teaching Nursong History in the State of São Paulo: insertion and challengs for teaching.The panel of evaluators counted on the participation of the advisor and 1st Vice-President of ABRADHENF Luciana Barizon Luchesi, RN, BA, PhD, Fernando Porto RN, BA, PhD, Director of Communication of ABRADHENF, academic of ABRADHENF Osnir Claudiano da Silva Júnior RN, BA, Ph...
read more...Published december 14, 2018
The nurse Adriana Saturnino Mazziero defended the master dissertation "Brazilian Red Cross, Ribeirão Preto Chapter and The Urgent Care Course", by the Psychiatric Nursing Program, at the EERP-USP location, on December 13. The panel of evaluators counted on the participation of the advisor and 1st Vice-President of ABRADHENF Luciana Barizon Luchesi, RN, BA, PhD, Fernando Porto RN, BA, PhD, Director of Communication of ABRADHENF and the academics of ABR...
read more...Published november 05, 2018
On the 31st of October 2018, at the University of São Paulo Nursing School, during the Fourth Colloquium on Nursing History, the new Board of Directors of the Brazilian Academy of Nursing History was composed as follows:
President - Almerinda Moreira
1st Vice President - Luciana Barizon Luchesi
2nd Vice President - Genival Fernandes de Freitas
3ª. Vice President - Taka Oguisso
&l... read more...Published october 24, 2018
Dr. Margarida Bernardes represented the Brazilian Academy of Nursing History at the commemoration of the 101 year birthday of the illustrious Nurse Captain Virgínia Maria Niemeyer Porto Carreiro.
... read more...Published november 05, 2018
On October 31, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., there was a solemn session of investiture of Academic Member of ABRADHENF by Professor Titular Genival Fernandes de Freitas.
The Professor chose as Patron Profa. Dr. Edith de Ma...