The Brazilian Academy of Nursing History - ABRADHENF

Chapter I - Name, headquarters, the purposes and duration

Article 1 - The Brazilian Academy of Nursing History - ABRADHENF, herein referred to simply as ABRADHENF, founded in fact on August 13, 2010, with headquarters in this Capital of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, Padre José de Anchieta street, 370, conjunto 1, Santo Amaro, CEP 04742-000, is a membership organization of private law, formed indefinitely, nonprofit, organizational and educational character, without political or political parties, with the aim of support everyone that it is directing, regardless of social class, nationality, sex, race, color or religious belief. The General Assembly of foundation and approval of the Statute was held on September 2, 2010.

Article 2 - In the development of its activities, ABRADHENF observe the principles of legality, impersonality, morality, publicity, economy and efficiency with the main purpose to promote advances in the development of the History of Nursing, making it relevant to understanding the past, interpret the present and influence the future. To this end has the following aims: 1. Stimulate interest and mutual collaboration in the History of Nursing; 2. To promote the education of nurses and the public in general with respect to the history and legacy of the nursing profession; 3. Support research on History of Nursing to achieve that level of excellence in this field of knowledge; 4. Encourage guard, collection, preservation and use of historical important historical documents for nursing; 5. Disclose historical studies of nursing through shows or exhibitions of objects and documents and to serve as a source of information on the History of Nursing; 6. Produce and distribute educational materials related to the History of Nursing and the legacy of the nursing profession; 7. Promote and / or strengthen the inclusion of the contents of the History of Nursing in the curriculum of undergraduate, graduate and mid-level nursing; 8. To promote interdisciplinary collaboration in history with all sciences and knowledge; 9. Recognize professionals who contributed their achievements for the History of Nursing as honorary members, giving them an appropriate honorific according to criteria specified in the Internal Regulations; 10. Organize events, exhibitions and scientific meetings to exchange studies and information among its members and similar level national or international entities; 11. Maintain regular, printed or online publication, with information and unpublished / original contributions from researchers, individual members or groups; 12. Support History of Nursing research groups registered, or not, in funding agencies for scientific research. 13. Integrate international entities of the History of Nursing and related areas.

Single paragraph. To fulfill their social purposes, ABRADHENF may be organized in as many units as necessary, throughout the national territory, which work by express delegation of the matrix, and be governed by the provisions in this statute and also by bylaws approved by the General Assembly.

Article 3 -.. The ABRADHENF will be devoted to its activities, through a Dr. and associates, ordinarily, whenever called by the president of ABRADHENF, the Directors board composed by nurses and other researchers, and will adopt practices of management, sufficient to inhibit the obtaining, individually or collectively, benefits or advantages, legal or illegal, anyway as a result of participation in decision making, and their incomes will be fully implemented in the country in the pursuit and development of its social objectives.

Chapter II - Member

Art. 4 - The following are the categories of members: 1. Effective 2. Honorary 3. Academic § 1 - The interested to join as full member, must submit the admission form ABRADHENF, duly completed, and proof of payment of current year contributions to the Executive Committee, once approved by referendum of the Board, will your name released in the book of members, indicating their registration number. § 2 - The ABRADHENF grant honorary member and honorary title for nurses, or not, who provided important contribution to the History of Nursing. § 3 - The effective member who stand out by research and publications in the Nursing History area may apply for select ABRADHENF frame as an academic member, according to quantity and quality criteria of research production, established in the internal rules.

Art. 5 - People interested in History of Nursing, as nurses, teachers, scholars, researchers and undergraduate nursing students or students who have a relationship with the subject and participate, act, produce and develop studies Historic would be full members of ABRADHENF

Article 6 - The rights of full members:

1. Participate in the activities promoted by ABRADHENF; 2. Vote and be voted, provided they have fulfilled the requirements herein; 3. Receive information about activities and studies developed by ABRADHENF; 4. Get an online publication on research carried out by members of ABRADHENF; 5. suggest areas for future studies by ABRADHENF or forward problems and suggestions to the Board discussion; 6. Suggest names of people who contributed to the development of the History of Nursing to receive an honorary member;

7. Remove yourself from the framework of effective members, when believed by filing his application with the Secretariat of the ABRADHENF, since that is not indebted to his contributions. 8. Seek the General Assembly against any act of the Board or the Supervisory Board it deems detrimental to the good name of ABRADHENF. 9. Do not assume joint liability.

Single paragraph. The vote in elections is private to full members.

Art. 7 - The duties of full members: 1. To follow this Statute and the Internal Regulations; 2. Respect and comply with the decisions of the General Assembly; 3. Develop studies or research on History of Nursing, participate, support or show interest in them; 4. Participate in research groups and defend the interests of ABRADHENF; 5. Ensure the proper name of ABRADHENF and collaborate in the recruitment of new members; 6. Pay the annual membership fee within the period stipulated by the Board and endorsed by the General Assembly; 7. Vote in elections; 8. Report any irregularity within the ABRADHENF for the General Assembly take action. § 1 - The breach of any duty provided for here may subject the member to the penalty of warning, suspension or exclusion of members, according to the ABRADHENF Rules. For exclusion for non-compliance with one or more of these duties shall be decided by the General Assembly. § 2 - Honorary Members and graduate students will be exempt from the annuity payment.

Chapter III - Organization

Art. 8 - The ABRADHENF will consist of the following agencies: 1. Board; 2. Supervisory Board; 3. Executive Committee; § - To run for elective office, candidates must be professionals, members with ABRADHENF fees in order in all terms of this Statute. The mandate shall be two years and may be re-elected for a further period.

Article 9 - The board of ABRADHENF shall consist of: 1. President 2. First Vice President 3. Second Vice President 4. Third Vice-President

5. First Secretary 6. Second Secretary 7. First Treasurer 8. Second Treasurer 9. Director of Social Communication 10. Director of Education and Research 11. Director of Scientific and Cultural Affairs 12. Director of Publications Single paragraph. The board of ABRADHENF, consisting of twelve people, shall meet once a year ordinarily and extraordinarily when called by the President or by a majority of its members.

Article 10 - The Audit Committee shall consist of three members, which regularly check the balance sheets and accounts of ABRADHENF and will meet at least once every year, to examine the accounts of the period, which will report.

Art. 11 - The Executive Committee is composed of the President, the 1st Secretary and 1st Treasurer that could meet every two months, or at lower frequency, to treat and decide on any matter provided for herein and subsequent resolution of the Board. Single paragraph. The Executive Committee can count on the collaboration of one or more persons to act as secretary, monitor and perform subsidiaries and related tasks.

Art. 12 - The first elected president of ABRADHENF also will be in charge the legal registration of the entity and all the basic documentation must be filed ABRADHENF at its headquarters. Single Paragraph - The first Board ABRADHENF, with a 2-year term, will be indicated and elected at the time of its foundation, through open vote during the assembly, with immediately effective.

Chapter IV - Board Functions

Article 13 - Roles and responsibilities of Board members.: 1. Direct the ABRADHENF, according to this Statute, and administer social patrimony; 2. To abide by this Statute and the decisions of the General Assembly; 3. Promote and encourage the establishment of scientific and cultural activities and courses on the History of Nursing; 4. Maintain regular communication with members of the Executive Committee and other Board members sending data and information for the preparation of the budget, presenting the annual accounts and report of ABRADHENF by the President; 5. Participate in other national or international events to present papers on the History of Nursing, represent and promote the activities of ABRADHENF; 6. Collaborate with the President and other members of the Board for the proper fulfillment of its mandate; 7. Approve the values of the annual fee subscription to members according to proposals submitted by the treasurers; 8. To promote the interdisciplinary, facilitate the participation of non-nursing professionals to develop studies, research and activities on History of Nursing order to enrich with their different perspectives within this area; 9. Develop activities for the faithful performance of ABRADHENF objectives; 10. To disseminate information about ABRADHENF and constantly seek new members; 11. Vote on the admission of new members ABRADHENF well as requests to exit of full members; 12. Perform specific job activities for which he was elected. § 1 - The first Board of Directors shall be composed of members appointed in the ABRADHENF founding General Assembly. § 2 - The unjustified absence in Annual Meeting will result in the replacement of a Board member. § 3 - In the event of resignation, the request will be made in writing and shall be filed with the Executive Committee which shall forward to the board of ABRADHENF. Occurring collective resigns from the Board and Audit Committee, the resigning president, any member of the Board, or any effective, professional member, may convene an extraordinary general meeting to elect a provisional committee of five members to manage the entity and hold elections no later 60 days from the date of this extraordinary general meeting. § 4 - The loss of Board membership or Supervisory Board shall be determined by the General Assembly in just cause situations, and recognized when it is proven misappropriation or squandering of corporate assets, serious breach of the Statute or other causes according to house rules.

Art. 14 - The President: 1. To represent the ABRADHENF and passively, before public bodies, judicial and extrajudicial, including in and out of court, may delegate powers and appoint attorneys and lawyers for the purpose it deems necessary; 2. To convene and chair the meetings of the Board, Executive Committee and general meetings. If unable to attend, one of the vice-presidents or other member of the Board may substitute; 3. Prepare and organize the annual report with accountability and the main activities undertaken in the previous year by ABRADHENF with relevant data and information sent by other members of the Board; 4. With the 1st Treasurer, open and maintain account (s) bank (s), sign checks and bank and accounting documents; 5. To prepare the budget for the following year together with the treasurers; 6. Monitor the development of the activities of the secretaries and treasurers, in collaboration with the Vice-Presidents. 7. Hire employees or specialized aids, fixing their salaries and may license them, suspend them or fire them; 8. Create heritage, cultural, social sectors, health and other deemed necessary to meet the social purposes, appointing or dismissing those responsible.

Art. 15 - Compete for Vice Presidents: 1. Replace the President in his impediments and absences, in the sequential order of the position to which he was elected; 2. Disclose data and activities ABRADHENF in their respective social environments; 3. Collaborate in every way in their larger quantity possible members; 4. To promote the realization of historical studies and research and dissemination at every opportunity, including in their workplace; 5. Collaborate, when indicated, in selecting and forwarding original texts or historical research results for publication in divulging the ABRADHENF; 6. Advise the President on gathering information and support to fulfill the activities provided for herein.

Art 16- compete Secretaries (as): 1. The First Secretary is responsible for meeting minutes record of the Executive Committee and Executive Board as well as the guard of all correspondence and other documents of ABRADHENF; 2. Maintaining and have in their custody the ABRADHENF file; 3. Encourage research and studies on historical topics at every opportunity, even in your workplace, and making the routing of texts for publication in the official journal of; 4. Promote the development of activities and the fulfillment of the objectives ABRADHENF. 5. The Second Secretary should collaborate in all the activities of the First Secretary, replacing it when necessary, in his absence or incapacity, as well as perform other functions entrusted to it; contribute in the activities of the Board; and assist in the preparation of meeting minutes.

Art. 17 - Compete to Treasurers: 1. First Treasurer should open / maintain account (s) bank (s) on behalf of ABRADHENF, signing with President checks, taking responsibility for all its property and assets, as well as the receipt of annual contributions. The Second Treasurer shall work with the First, even replacing it in all its incapacity or absence; 2. To receive donations and bequests given to the ABRADHENF, recording them properly; 3. Calculate adjustments of the annual contribution of members on the official rates of inflation; 4. To encourage the affiliation of nurses and researchers at every opportunity, including in the workplace; 5. Promote the collection and receipt of amounts and funding entities contributions to research and other sponsorships.

Art. 18 - The Director of Social Communication: 1. To propose programs for dissemination of ABRADHENF in educational and health institutions; 2. Disseminate by all means the activities of ABRADHENF and stimulate the participation of professionals and undergraduate nursing students and related careers;

Art 19 - The Director of Education and Research: 1. Propose continuing education programs for nurses and other professionals in related fields; 2. monitor the implementation of programs, providing physical space, teachers and union of professionals and students; 3. Collaborate, when asked in educational programs of Nursing History.

Art. 20 - The Director of Scientific and Cultural Affairs: 1. To propose studies and research lines in History of Nursing; 2. Organize and send to the Board ABRADHENF projects for development and implementation of scientific and cultural events; 3. Collaborate in the activities proposed by the Board.

Art. 21 - The Director of Publications: 1. To propose and develop media, printed or virtual, within the History of Nursing; 2. Evaluate texts and research results to include in periodic publication of ABRADHENF, following its production and distribution, printed or virtual.

Chapter V - Functions of the Audit Committee

Article 22 - The three members of the Supervisory Board have the inalienable function of supervising and reporting on all the acts of the Board and Executive Committee ABRADHENF, with the following responsibilities: 1. To examine the books of the ABRADHENF; 2. To express opinions and advise on balance sheets and reports, financial and accounting, submitting them to the Annual General Meeting or extraordinary; 3. Order the 1st Treasurer, at any time, supporting documentation of economic and financial transactions carried out by ABRADHENF; 4. To monitor the work of any independent external auditors; 5. convene extraordinary sessions of the General Assembly. Single paragraph. The Audit Committee shall meet regularly once a year in advance due date, in its absolute majority, and extraordinarily whenever called by the president of ABRADHENF.

Chapter VI - General Meetings and Meetings

Art. 23 - The General Assembly is the ordinary deliberative space and will be held at least once a year or at meetings or events of experts in History of Nursing. May open to all members of ABRADHENF to consider and decide on specific topics such as: 1. Decide on issues submitted by the Board; 2. To approve the annual accounts and the value of the contribution rate of members; 3. To approve the work plan of the Board, schedule of activities and events ABRADHENF; 4. To approve the list of nominations to receive titles of honorary members and honorary as special recognition; 5. Decide on the removal of members of the Board, when serious allegations properly supported; 6. To approve the internal regulations that regulate the various sectors of activity ABRADHENF; 7. Elect and give ownership to members of the Board ABRADHENF; 8. Change in whole or in part, this Statute. § 1 - The General Meeting shall be called with at least 15 days in advance, by electronic means (e-mail) and supplemented, if necessary, with publication of a notice in a major newspaper. § 2 - The General Meeting shall be established in first call with the presence of the majority (50% + 1) of standing members of the current year. Thirty minutes later, can be installed on second call, with any number obeyed the specific quorum for decisions. § 3 - Resolutions on statutory changes, appointment and removal of members of the Board shall be taken by an absolute majority of the effective members with the annual membership fee, present or represented by proxy. Other decisions may be taken by a simple majority of those present. § 4 - The inauguration of the elected members shall take place solemnly at the close of the General Assembly.

Art. 24 - The face meetings of the Board will ordinarily be held once a year at least to decide administrative and technical-scientific issues ABRADHENF. The meeting will be convened with at least fifteen days in advance. The content of the discussion agenda will be proposed by the President, with written suggestions from members of ABRADHENF. The quorum for the meeting will be a simple majority of Board members, including the President. Each member has one vote and decisions will be by majority vote.

Art. 25 - The Board may hold other forms of meetings electronically when necessary, and there is accessibility and availability of resources. The secretaries should keep printed and complete records of meetings by electronic means, or not, in order to enable identification of dates, names of participants and decisions taken.

Chapter VII - Annual Contribution

Art. 26 - The members must pay an annual membership fee determined by the Board and approved by the General Assembly. Single paragraph. Undergraduate students can participate freely meetings and other activities, but at various events their participation should be formalized in accordance with the rules of this event.

Art. 27 - Delays greater than three years in the payment of the annual membership fee involve the member's shutdown, that to reactivate its bond must comply Bylaws requirement and settle the current year annuity.

Chapter VIII - Elections

Art. 28 - Applications to the Board will be carried out only through entry per plate consisting of professional, effective members for at least two years, elected every two years.

Art. 29 - The term of office of board members shall be two years and may be renewed for another term. Sole Paragraph - It is forbidden to re-bid the president for more than two consecutive terms.

Art. 30 - will be entitled to vote all sitting members even with the current annuity ABRADHENF except graduate students.

Art. 31 - The electoral process will be coordinated by a committee composed of three members, appointed by the board of ABRADHENF. Single Paragraph - Board members in office and the candidates may not integrate the Electoral Commission.

Art. 32 - The rules of the electoral process will follow the rules of procedure of ABRADHENF.

Art. 33 - The investiture of the members of the elected board will be held on specific session at the close of the General Assembly or the event / forum, as specified in art. 23 (caput) and 23 § 4 hereof.

Art. 34 - The duties of the Election Committee: a) coordinate all the steps and rules of the electoral process; b) prepare the schedule and route them to the board of ABRADHENF for approval; c) promote broad dissemination among members; d) compose voting station; e) chair the voting count; f) proclaim the election results; g) election draft of the minutes to be approved by the members of the Election Committee; h) draw up a report and submit it to the Board of ABRADHENF for approval

Chapter IX - Final provisions

Art. 35 - The members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board will not receive any compensation of any kind or nature, the activities carried out in ABRADHENF.

Art. 36 - This Statute may be amended at any time, in whole or in part, as proposed by the President or by one fifth (1/5) of the members quits with the annuity. Every amendment must be sent to members with a minimum of six months in advance. The approval of amendments shall take place at the General Meeting, whose agenda includes this item, and rely on the two-thirds vote of the members present.

Article 37 - In case of a vacancy, the Board may invite other professional, ABRADHENF member for more than two years at least, to complete the term of the replaced member.

Art. 38 - The ABRADHENF may be dissolved by the General Assembly or special meeting called for this purpose, with a minimum of one year in advance, allowing members to vote by secret ballot. At least three quarters of the effective members must be present and among them two-thirds must vote in favor of dissolution.

Art. 39 - In case of dissolution, after payment of all debts, including wages and compensation, and their social and tax charges, equity assets will be used for a purpose institution identical or similar to ABRADHENF or charity, to be defined by the General Assembly convened for this purpose.

Art. 40 - The cases shall be decided by the Executive Committee ad referendum of the Board, which will take them to the General Assembly, if any.

Article 41 - This Statute shall enter into force from the Brazilian Academy of the foundation of Nursing History - ABRADHENF. This Statute was approved at the general meeting of September 2, 2010.