
7º Coloquio de la Academia Brasileña de Historia de la Enfermería (ABRADHENF) y 2º Seminario Internacional de Historia de la Enfermería

Published march 06, 2025

The 7th Colloquium of the Brazilian Academy of Nursing History (ABRADHENF) and 2nd International Seminar on Nursing History will be held on April 14 and 15, 2025 in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

Event promoted by the School of Nursing of UFBA and ABRADHENF.

In view of the above, this event has the following OBJECTIVES:

- To bring together students and researchers in the field of Nursing History and related areas, from different countries, to strengthen the teaching of Nursing History in person;

- To discuss the teaching of Nursing History, through active methodologies, aimed at the production of knowledge in Nursing;

- To disseminate and spread the production of knowledge, through the field of Nursing History, in order to value this professional;

- Strengthen national and international networks of researchers in the History of Nursing.